Every Jack Has a Jill (2009) YIFY 您所在的位置:网站首页 every Jack will help his jill Every Jack Has a Jill (2009) YIFY

Every Jack Has a Jill (2009) YIFY

2023-03-15 21:37| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Every Jack Has A Jill is a sweet natured romance with an international flavour from France. It stars Melanie Laurent (from Tarantino's fabulous Inglorious Basterds, etc) and Justin Bartha (from The Hangover and the National Treasure series). Bartha plays Jack, an American who wins a holiday to Paris, but on arrival loses his luggage at the airport. Chloe (Laurent) is a reporter for a small paper who takes his luggage home by mistake. Curious, she opens it and fantasizes about a connection between herself and the owner of the suitcase. She takes a series of photographs and leaves them in the suitcase, which she returns to his hotel. Directed by first time film maker Jennifer Devoldere, this low key film develops a bit of tension with the old will they get together or not scenario, sort of like a Gallic Sleepless In Seattle. This gently paced and pleasant film makes for enjoyable viewing, and offers some great scenery of Paris. The two leads are quite charming.






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